Sunday, August 31, 2014

Beautifully Perfect!

Today was and still is, a Beautifully, Perfect Day! Why?

The sky, a 'BP' shade of BLUE! The warmth of the sun? 'BP!'  Had a chance to sleep-in this morning, in my 'BP' snuggly bed; awake to the sunshine, get lazy-sleepy all over, and NAP under a cozily-'BP' quilt!!

And WHO hung out with me all day? My amazingly 'beautifully-perfect' daughter-- my champion, confidante and friend!

After one of my recent reconstructive breast surgeries, my co-workers gifted me with a Victoria's Secret gift card-- and I waited for months for healing to take place, before using it. (Also, not enjoying the whole 'fitting' process-- I sorta dreaded it. Shopping with Cait made me feel braver and today was the day!)

In a 'BP' way-- the first B-R-A (sorry, boyz!) I tried on, was actually the most 'BP' one for me!! Caitlin and I shopped, tried-on and made decisions, and I actually spent my gift card (and then some!), to reach personal Nirvana!!

I also had a Most 'Beautifully Perfect' Recollection of bra-shopping two years ago, right before my diagnosis, and discovering that I was 'too large' a person for any Victoria's Secret bras.  

It's sad to weigh more than you want to, feeling frumpy, and old; shocked that, 'THAT'S NOT ME!' (And sadly--it is)... Wanting to feel pretty and sexy, and being 'too big' for THAT.

Today, I remembered that personal heartache in the dressing room two years ago- and the amazement that today--


Ha! Of course my chest looks like Route 66 with a roundabout or two, but today was a mental milestone. 

And NOW...

Day Two of my 'Thankfuls':
1--Girl-Time with my Caitlin!
2--My Moment at Victoria's Secret!
3--Stopping to SMELL these ROSES!

Thank You, God!

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